Meet 2nd Tuesday of each month, 2pm.
Hedon Methodist Church, Hedon HU12 8EL (map).
Free refreshments, parking, level access.
Everyone welcome: £20 a year | £5 visitor.
11 February: John Scotney, Lowgate: a Walk through Hull's History.
More info: 01482 899180 (Brenda Goldspink) OR email hedon.historyATgmailDOTcom
10 September: AGM
8 October: Nick Jackson, The Lighthouses of Spurn
12 November: Carol Osgerby, Walter Skirlaw: from Skirlaugh Boy to Prince Bishop
10 December: Kingston Theatre Hotel, Xmas Lunch, 1.30 for 2pm
14 January: Pete Lowden, Grave-Robbing in & around Early 19th-Century Hull
11 February: John Scotney, Lowgate: a Walk through Hull's History
11 March: Dr Alex Ombler, Reuben Chappell: Goole's Maritime Painter
8 April: Sally George, From Sunk Island to Trent Falls: Walking the East Riding Coast, part 3
13 May: Michele Beadle, Out with the Old, In with the New: Hull Repertory Company & Hull New Theatre's Early Years
Christine Dakin, 'The Demise of the Department Store'; Richard Clarke, 'The River Hull, Its History & Navigation'; Jenny Scruton, 'The Hull Tile Trail'; Mike Rymer, 'Master Mariners of 17th-Century Kingston upon Hull'; Sally George, 'Bay of Jacobeus to Sunk Island: Walking the East Riding Coast, part 2'; Sam Bartle, 'What Was Here: the App that Explores the East Riding's Past'
Jenny Scruton, 'Kay Kendall: a Life Cut Short; Pete Lowden, 'TS Southampton & the Class of 1911'; Mike Rymer, 'Netherhall, Sutton: the House & Its People'; Jane Owen, Heritage Manager, Hull Minster, 'Revival - Back to Life project'; John Scotney, 'Converging on Hull'; David Smith, 'The Avenues: an Illustrated History'